Enough with the excuses.. last week I made these fabulous has browns. How fabulous? I've been trying to make decent ones for years now, mostly with fail. I've tried them unrinsed, precooked, with egg, with all sorts of extra stuff, but finally last week I think I got them right.
I rinsed the grated potato really well, and heated some veggie oil in a non stick omelette pan.
I chucked in all the potato with a tiny bit of chopped onion. I put a little butter on top after almost 10 mins (my stove is electric and cooks super hot, so it was on medium low), and slid the hash brown onto a big flat lid from another pot. I turned the pan upside down over the hash brown so the uncooked side was facing the pan, and flipped as one.
Although I am fairly good at the pan flip.. this hash brown recipe means it doesn't hold together very well until it's almost done. I lost a lot of potato bits around the kitchen before I decided on this slower and safer method.
This is how they turned out:
I took the photo outside, since all my inside pictures just turn out yellow, and my apartment has absolutely no natural light. Don't you love the pool in the background?
Thanksgiving was fantastic, and I'll be posting about that shortly (after sorting out camera etc).