Tuesday, December 29, 2009

WOW, Power Auras DK export

Friends and Family not interested in WOW. This post will contain a large amount of gibberish.

I searched high and low to find any export from the Power Aura mod for a DK. Couldn't find one. I was forced (dragged kicking and screaming) to learn how to use the mod, and create my own. In the interest of others who might not like to learn then either... Here is my DK Frost spec export. It includes a horn of winter alert if you're in combat and it's not on, as well as an alert for killing machine and freezing fog.
I plan on making more for the holy priest, as I'm sure I'll be helping Lou make them for his chars too. Let me know if there is a spec you'd like an export for, and I'll gladly make more!


Here is the icky paste:
Set=Page 1@
Aura[1]=Version:st3.0.0E; gcd:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu1; g:nu0.88627450980392; optunitn:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; stacksLower:nu0; target:bofalse; icon:stInterface\Icons\Spell_Frost_ArcticWinds; size:nu0.75; torsion:nu1; r:nu0.85098039215686; y:nu-30; x:nu0; customname:st; groupany:botrue; isAlive:botrue; timerduration:nu0; unitn:st; bufftype:nu1; stacks:nu0; focus:bofalse; raid:bofalse; texture:nu61; alpha:nu0.75; aurastext:stRime; symetrie:nu0; owntex:bofalse; isResting:bofalse; duration:nu0; mine:bofalse; multiids:st; inVehicle:bofalse; speed:nu1; anim2:nu0; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; InactiveDueToState:botrue; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; textaura:bofalse; sound:nu26; wowtex:bofalse; groupOrSelf:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:nu0; id:nu1; inParty:nu0; HideRequest:bofalse; Active:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu1; buffname:stfreezing fog; inRaid:nu0; tooltipCheck:st; customtex:bofalse; stance:nu10; spec2:botrue; isSecondary:bofalse; thresholdinvert:bofalse; spec1:botrue; Debug:bofalse; beginSpin:bofalse; Showing:bofalse; UseOldAnimations:bofalse; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; party:bofalse; texmode:nu1; inverse:bofalse; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; randomcolor:bofalse; finish:nu1@
Aura[2]=Version:st3.0.0E; gcd:bofalse; b:nu1; anim1:nu1; g:nu0.89411764705882; optunitn:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; stacksLower:nu0; target:bofalse; icon:stInterface\Icons\INV_Sword_122; size:nu0.75; torsion:nu1; r:nu0.73725490196078; y:nu-30; x:nu0; customname:st; groupany:bofalse; isAlive:botrue; timerduration:nu0; unitn:st; bufftype:nu1; stacks:nu0; focus:bofalse; raid:bofalse; texture:nu62; alpha:nu0.75; aurastext:stKM; symetrie:nu0; owntex:bofalse; isResting:bofalse; duration:nu0; mine:bofalse; multiids:st; inVehicle:bofalse; speed:nu1; anim2:nu0; stacksOperator:st=; realaura:nu1; InactiveDueToState:botrue; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; textaura:bofalse; sound:nu27; wowtex:bofalse; groupOrSelf:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:nu0; id:nu2; inParty:nu0; HideRequest:bofalse; Active:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu2; buffname:stKilling Machine; inRaid:nu0; tooltipCheck:st; customtex:bofalse; stance:nu10; spec2:botrue; isSecondary:bofalse; thresholdinvert:bofalse; spec1:botrue; Debug:bofalse; beginSpin:bofalse; Showing:bofalse; UseOldAnimations:bofalse; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; party:bofalse; texmode:nu1; inverse:bofalse; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; randomcolor:bofalse; finish:nu1@
Aura[3]=Version:st3.0.0E; gcd:bofalse; b:nu0.22745098039216; anim1:nu1; g:nu0.2; optunitn:bofalse; ignoremaj:botrue; stacksLower:nu0; target:bofalse; icon:stInterface\Icons\INV_Misc_Horn_02; size:nu0.75; torsion:nu1; r:nu1; y:nu-30; x:nu0; customname:st; groupany:botrue; isAlive:botrue; timerduration:nu0; unitn:st; bufftype:nu1; stacks:nu0; focus:bofalse; raid:bofalse; texture:nu44; alpha:nu0.75; aurastext:st; symetrie:nu0; owntex:bofalse; isResting:bofalse; duration:nu0; mine:bofalse; multiids:st; inVehicle:bofalse; speed:nu1; anim2:nu0; stacksOperator:st>=; realaura:nu1; InactiveDueToState:botrue; threshold:nu50; exact:bofalse; textaura:bofalse; sound:nu23; wowtex:bofalse; groupOrSelf:bofalse; customsound:st; combat:botrue; id:nu3; inParty:nu0; HideRequest:bofalse; Active:bofalse; aurastextfont:nu1; buffname:sthorn of winter; inRaid:nu0; tooltipCheck:st; customtex:bofalse; stance:nu10; spec2:botrue; isSecondary:bofalse; thresholdinvert:bofalse; spec1:botrue; Debug:bofalse; beginSpin:bofalse; Showing:bofalse; UseOldAnimations:bofalse; begin:nu0; off:bofalse; party:bofalse; texmode:nu1; inverse:botrue; ismounted:bofalse; targetfriend:bofalse; randomcolor:bofalse; finish:nu1@

Monday, December 21, 2009

That time of the year

It's that time of the year again, and again I find my purse rather empty. Last year I made tote bags, but this year I want something a bit quicker.

I've decided to make some little lined cosmetic bags. For my dance instructors, I'm going to make some lined drawstring shoe bags (for their dance shoes).

I still haven't figured out what fabric to use, for the shoe bags something a little "manly" and for the cosmetic bags I might use a variety of fabrics, mostly so that I can give some to boys to use as a toiletry bag.

I'll do one of each as a test run, then setup a production line so I can do as many as possible tonight and tomorrow night, then leave the rest for Thursday when I'm off work.

I am a little concerned the homemade presents seems a little cheap, but I think it's a lot nicer than a gift card, and I can't think of stuff to get people.

Boot camp finished on Friday. It was very sad. I can't believe another one is over!
On our final jog, I managed to almost keep up with the fast runners. I finished it well before the rest of the ladies, and I was very pleased. Misty took me aside and said I was doing a lot better, improving all the time, I was relieved. Part of the problem with not actually losing any weight while trying so hard, is that niggling voice which says "you're not trying hard enough".
Today I met up with another boot camp lady (Mara) and we did a warm up walk, then jog, then shuffled the cards from the Fit Decks I bought (Bodyweight, Dumbbell and Core) and gave ourselves a really good workout! I know it wasn't a boot camp level workout though, because at no point during the workout did I think "I can't do any more of these". Going to get a kitchen timer I can set for 30 seconds, and push ourselves harder. Counting reps gets distracting, and we have to do so many to get a Misty style workout.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to sew instead of work out. Wednesday Mara has agreed to meet up again, then probably nothing except skiing until next week! Can I go so long without a workout? Probably not, will have to think of something in the interim.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Explosions and Weight Watchers website fail

Saturday afternoon I was enjoying my usual time alone, watching some old movies (Father of the Bride with Spencer Tracy and Elizabeth Taylor) when at around 5pm, the blinds shoot and I heard a sort of "whump". It wasn't loud, so I assume it was one of three things. 1) Small earthquake. They are pretty common here. 2) Sonic boom. Also fairly common, but I was too lazy to check online at the time. 3) VERY loud upstairs neighbors dropping something heavy (Almost daily they make the pictures on my walls rattle from just walking around).
It wasn't any of those things. Lou got home about 8pm, and asked "what are all the fire trucks for?". We checked it out. Apparently a gas leak had ignited in the electricity room, and the explosion had put a rather large hole in the back wall of the building. No one was hurt, but a couple cars were damaged, and quite a few apartments have to be vacated until they can fix the damage.
Some pictures
It ended up just meaning we have no hot water (gas has been shut off indefinitely). Sponge baths sound fun and romantic, until you have to give yourself one.

This morning I go to the Weight Watchers site in order to log my breakfast. I get a page which says "You must upgrade your browser". What's funniest about that is... I was using Chrome. The page went on to recommend that I download Netscape Navigator. HAHA. Seriously? That browser hasn't been supported since March 2008. http://browser.netscape.com/
They page also informed me I had Javascript and Cookies turned off. Do companies really expect people to take their online efforts seriously when they have such outdated code?

Weight Watchers meeting was good on Saturday morning. It's great to hear the truth. I'm not really hungry if I want something bad, if I was hungry I'd want something nutritious. While that sounds great, I couldn't help but eat too much on Sunday. Just remembering to "stay on target".


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Want results.. pulease!

Only a week (and a day) left of boot camp, and I've kept on those two extra pounds. I don't think my diet has changed, but I'm definitely burning a lot more calories. January I'll be doing an east coast swing dance performance (Arthur Murray show stoppers if you're familiar) so I've been rehearsing 4-5 days a week. That means most days I work out about 2 hours. Did I mention I've gained 2 pounds? I haven't looked at bread, potatoes, fat, soda, fast food, candy, salty snacks, anything bad in months.

Instead of going on feeling sorry for myself, I've joined Weight Watchers. I'm not really the sort who enjoys public shame, or being told not to drink soda (DUH!), but I have to try something new. Two ladies in my boot camp did Weight Watchers, and both dropped more than 40 pounds. One in particular (Sara) told me when she started back in January she weighed in at 220lbs. Now she's about 160. That's pretty damn amazing!

Saturday will be my initial meeting, but I've already set everything up in their online tools to track food & exercise. I back added the last week, and it looks like I've been within a couple points of their recommendation for me anyway.

Did I mention I'm performing in January? I really don't know how I let my instructors talk me into such things.
Joel suggested some songs I might dance to, and I selected a Frou Frou song called "Must Be Dreaming". Last night Joel played me the cut he made, and it is really FAST. I am a little afraid I'll just look like a fat blur. I'll be dancing with two leads, they switch in and out during the routine. Costumes have yet to be discussed, but Joel suggested something "spacey" although I have no idea what that means. If I'm going to sew something I need to know soon, so I can be sure I can pull it off in time.
Already I'll be doing fun stuff like Lindy turns, swivels, tuck turns, and all sorts of linking. Lots of fun, but I have to rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cross Country sking and chilly boot campsi

This week has been decidedly inclement here in Los Angeles. Normally I complain about the constant sunshine and heat. Monday morning it was raining, although not heavy rain, just a drizzle and it wasn't terribly cold. Tuesday morning it was dry, but 32F (around 0C) which wasn't too bad after the warm up. What I really wasn't prepared for was my car covered in ice. All the drizzle from the day before had frozen into a solid sheet covering my car. I think the last time I scraped ice off my car I lived in Canberra!

The rain has done one very important thing. It's dumped a bunch of snow up where my friend lives in the mountains. This means that I'll probably head up for a spot of skiing this weekend. I want to take a photo of the ski's I've procured, but I don't have them yet, they are still with Russ who went and picked them up for me.

Here is a picture Russ sent me yesterday morning. I love the idea of living in the mountains, right up until I realize how much work it is!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weakness for vintage sewing patterns

There are some blogs I really shouldn't read anymore. One of them is called "wearing history" and the person who writes it sells a lot of old patterns on Etsy, as well as some that she has rescued and repro'd.

I find myself with the mouse pointer hovering about "buy now" pretty much anytime I visit the store, or read the blog. Some of the 1940's patterns are just fantastic.
A couple examples from the current store:

If I was to buy them I'd have to do a lot of work to get them to fit. Although they are pretty large sizes for vintage patterns, sadly I'm even bigger at the moment! They are so pretty... so tempting!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Two days of boot camp in a row

At the start of camp this morning I noticed a lot of stiffness from yesterday's camp, but nothing spectacular. The workout was great, left feeling really good. Now about 4 hours have passed, and I'm afraid I might not be able to get out of my chair for the rest of the day. My legs have "seized up". I'm fine unless I try and stand!

Hopefully tomorrow won't be worse.. but my muscles will start adjusting and allow me to walk again.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Back to bootcamp!

I just realised that this has turned into my boot camp blog. I really didn't mean for that to happen, but aside from work, it's the thing I do the most.

Dancing has really taken a back seat lately. I had a bad Match Competition some months ago, and my confidence took a big hit. I also don't like to dance with so many strangers. In group class you can tell they don't want to have to dance with me. OK that sounded sad and full of self pity. It's not really like that, but I just haven't felt good about dancing except with my instructors lately.
I did well in my freestyle exams recently, but that was dancing with my instructor (Joel). He makes it seem like I'm a fabulous dancer. It really is all about your partner in Ballroom.

This boot camp is only 3 weeks long, so I have decided to push it, and am doing 5 days /week. This morning we met two new ladies who've joined our group, both young and fit. The only other larger lady has not returned for this camp. At first I was a little upset about that, but about half way through our workout we were sent on a jog around the park, and I ran hard and fast, and kept up with the fastest runners for the first time! Of course I was ready to collapse at the end of that, and spent the rest of the workout trying to catch my breath. I think it was worth it though.

Our trainer Misty ordered me to obtain a new sports bra for this camp. My old one was very good, but it was old. The RVM was a 4 when I got it, but I'm pretty sure it's a 1 or 0 now! Unfortunately it didn't arrive in time for today's camp, but I've asked Loui to check the mail today and see if it arrives for tomorrow's camp.

On Friday I took delivery of a photo scanner. One specifically for scanning in postcard type prints. I have a really big box of photos from when I lived in Germany, up until I got my first digital camera. I scanned in a few and posted them on Flickr. I don't really like the scans, they all seem washed out, and the color "correction" on some was really terrible. Nice idea.. bad implementation. Luckily I got it from Woot.com for almost nothing, so I'm going to scan them all anyway, just in case! Better a bad digital copy than none at all.
This is the scanner I bought: Hammacher Schlemmer Portable Digital Photo Converter

I had hoped to do some sewing over the 4 day break, but I didn't manage to lift a finger. I cleaned a lot, so my apartment is sparkling now, making it not so bad I didn't sew.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Completed second bootcamp

Friday was the last boot camp of that session. Early Saturday morning we had our body composition analysis. I'm heading in the right direction, I just wish it was faster!! I've decided to bite the bullet and do a full 5 days/week next session. It starts Monday 30th November, and runs for 3 weeks.
This Thursday they are doing a special free session at 6am for those of us who are going to EAT on Thanksgiving!

Looking forward to 4 days off in a row. My friend Deb is coming to spend Thanksgiving with me. Looking forward to some drinks and video games!

Friday I plan on doing some of those sewing projects that I've been ignoring for the past couple months. Now I'm all done with my zipper intensive course, I should be good to go with invisible zippers! I have 3 skirts "almost" finished, because I couldn't handle the invisible zippers, so I just never got them done.

Decided to use a silk/cotton blend I've been loving to make a sweet new skirt.

#4006 1940s Arches Skirt

Saturday and Sunday are looking like lazy days, before I hit boot camp again on Monday!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Visiting the mountains

On the weekend I went up and stayed with a friend in the mountains. I knew it was going to get chilly, but it still took your breath away. The contrast between the mountain (Tecuya Ridge area) and the San Fernando Valley was amazing. I couldn't believe I was so close to home, but in such a different environment. A couple days earlier there had been a light dusting of snow, which was still sticking to the ground near the top of the mountain.

It was delightful, and I felt like I'd been gone for a whole week. Had some fun checking out the sights, playing with the dogs, looking at the work my friend had put into his water supply. Refreshing! Can't wait to go back up there, especially after some proper snow has fallen, and go for a cross country ski. Need to figure out a place that will rent me skis, as all I have are downhill ones, not much use without a chair lift!
I just had an idea about a rope tow. Letting it go.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 2, Week 3, Camp 2 - Picked last

I don't remember ever being picked last before. I wish I didn't know how that felt! It's kinda awful if you think about it.

Don't want to dwell, just have to work harder. I stopped by Trader Joe's Monday night, and picked up a couple bags of broccoli & cauliflower (fresh, in bags you can microwave) and have been trying to eat a ton more vegetables. Instead of mixing a yolk into my eggs and veggies for breakfast, I'm now just sticking to egg whites.

Perhaps I should blog here more often about food. No. Nevermind. I know I eat well most of the time, I just eat too much!

We did an interesting workout today, but I don't feel like it was very challenging. Divided into two teams, we had a single team member run to where there was a pack of cards, these cards showed an exercise, and a number of reps. The winning team was chosen based on the number of cards completed. We lost. Our "punishment" was that the other team got to choose 3 minutes worth of exercise for us. Honestly I was glad I got those extra 3 minutes... why am I there if not to exercise?!
After the second minute passed, most of the other team had joined in, realising what they were missing.

Loui made some noises about wanting to go running. I hope he does. I wish he'd run with me (if he can keep up *snicker*). Sadly the only time I have to exercise is before work, and since he usually goes to bed 4-5 hours after I do, I doubt that will ever happen.

Bought this on woot.com -> Perfect Pullup.

Thanks to woot it's only $15. Plan to mount it on the doorway to the bathroom. Wish I could fit a treadmill or elliptical machine someplace, but it would take up WAY too much room in my tiny apartment. One day maybe.


ps. Thanks for the encouragement John :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 1, week 3, camp 2

I meant to blog on Friday, because it was a fairly momentous day for me at boot camp. First time I cried a little. Not overtly, more a frustrated, embarrassed whimper. There was a lot of self pity rolled up in there. We did a tough worked, was feeling good, then Misty sent us on a fireman's run around the park. About half way around I came unstuck. All the slower campers had been sent on a different task, but Misty had decided I could finally handle running with the really fit ladies.

They run FAST. So fast that around the half way mark, I couldn't keep jogging and fell back. Here is when the major self pity took over. Poor little me. As I descended into my wallow, I see Misty jogging across the park, and giving instructions to the ladies who were already pretty far away from me. She sent them back to get me. This made me even MORE embarrassed. Everyone was very encouraging, and they slowed down, but it's really hard to breathe correctly while jogging, when you're doing your best not to blubber!

Today was not like that. Was a tough workout, but I managed to keep up the whole time. Mostly it's that shame of almost crying in front of everyone that kept me going faster.

I've gained 2 pounds over my starting weight. Kinda lost. Need to find some new direction.


Monday, November 2, 2009

First day, second week, second camp

Last Friday were our evaluations. This time it was a little different. We were tested on how long we could hold full plank (45 seconds BOO), how many squat jumps we could do in 60 seconds (35.. one of the best!), and how many laps we could do on a sprint course (10.. average in our group).

Hopefully the last day of camp I can best ALL of my scores.

To be honest I didn't feel properly challenged last week. While it was hard (especially Friday) I didn't get any lingering muscle soreness. I should be happy right? Instead I just feel like I didn't try hard enough.

Today was different. I am sore already.. which means tomorrow i'll be 10x as sore as now. To warm up, we ran the little stairs (I counted this time, 10 steps, 4 flights) and then the big stairs (15 steps, 7 flights). That was JUST the warm up, although at the end I was really struggling.
We moved onto 12 chest presses, 12 push ups, Count to 12 while holding full plank, 12 punches with weights, one jogging lap around the park. Then we did it again, but with two laps around the park, then we did it again. That last time I barely made the first lap and our trainer called time.

We assembled at the back wall of the small area we work out in, and proceeded to "run against the wall", sort of like jogging on the spot, but you're pushing against the wall. It's challenging. Then we relaxed for 2 minutes in a "wall sit"... it's really not very relaxing.

Thinking this was it, we were going to start our cool down since it was already 6.15, I felt a rush of relief. Only to be told we were to grab our weights, and do the little AND big stairs again.

The last flight up on the big stairs I practically crawled. My chest was burning, my legs were wobbling, the pain to come was top of my mind.

It was fantastic. Looking forward to more this week!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Second Bootcamp

Of course I came back for another 4 weeks. Who can resist I say?

I decided to stick with the Valley boot camp, because of a lot of reasons, but mostly the ladies, the trainer, and the convenient location.

My ending evaluation from the last boot camp was a little disappointing for me. I gained 3lbs lean body mass, and lost 3lbs fat. Great.. no actual weight, just a redistribution!

Resolving to push it much harder this time around, and work out alone on those two spare days (Tuesday and Thursday, still taking weekends off).

Again this morning I was paired with the slowest runner for a jogging relay type thing. I really need to talk to our trainer about that. While I am still fairly slow, I am considerably faster than the slowest. I'd much rather be paired with a faster runner, so I can push harder to keep up!

Friday is our "start test" day, where we run the 2 miles, have 60 seconds to do push ups, then 60 seconds to do crunches. Hoping to beat my scores from last week of last camp AND then in four weeks beat them again!

What to do about calves? It's the thing that slows me down the most. My calves hurt after just a short time running. I'm fairly breathless, but nothing I can't get past. I feel like I can't take another step they are so tight. Any advice?


Friday, October 16, 2009

Final boot camp test

This morning was our final regular boot camp, and with it came the test again. We did a test the first Friday of camp, and this test is to compare number of push ups, crunches and a 2 mile jog.
I did 20 more push ups, 5 more crunches, and shaved 3 minutes off my 2 mile jog! It was fun, I brought along my ipod, so was able to get into the "zone" using my running playlist.

Wednesday morning's camp was postponed until tomorrow morning. I'm not sure how I feel about getting up at 6am on a Saturday to drive to Northridge. Our usual camp is near my house in Woodland Hills, but this makeup one is a combo with another camp. Right after that we drive to Granada Hills for our final body composition tests. Since I've watched the scales pretty closely over the past four weeks, I know I've lost no weight, perhaps a pound if I don't eat breakfast. I'm just hoping that I've built some muscle to replace some fat. Will have to see. I was also very dehydrated during the last test, so I'm hoping I have some more water weight.

It's been a good 4 weeks, and I'm excited to go back for another 4 weeks. I think I've decided to do 3/week again, then the last camp of the year will only be 3 weeks, so I'm pretty sure I'll do that one for the full 5 days/week.

If anyone is interested, it's the San Fernando Valley Adventure Boot Camp For Women (LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG name!) http://www.valleyadventurebootcamp.com/

Our fantastic coach is Misty

Good Times.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time flies

Well tomorrow is the second last bootcamp! I can tell you I'm honestly very disappointed. I feel stronger, and I really do look forward to going. The group is supportive, but won't let you slack. I can run the "little girl" and "big girl" stairs without TOO much cursing (OK I lie.. I still curse a lot while doing it).

I'll have to dig around in my finances, and see if I can't come up with some more $$ to keep going. At the moment I've been concentrating on saving and paying off some debts. With the imminent implosion of my company, I don't want to end up homeless come Christmas if MGM goes away.

On Friday we did mostly reps. It was easy at the start, but I think she had us going in sets of 10-20 switching legs with arms (prisoner squats, then push ups, rinse, repeat) for over 5 minutes before she'd let us rest. I had some trouble walking on Saturday, but found my arms never really got the same pain. I am TERRIBLE at push ups. It just hurts my knees too much on the modified, and on the regular my arms fail me. I end up not getting a very good workout for my arms. Monday I decided to bring my 8lb weights as well at the 5lb's. Of course we only used them on our big and little stairs jog.

I've been considering trying a boot camp on the beach. I can drive over Topanga Canyon in the morning, do boot camp, then go to work to shower. In the end I'm afraid I won't have a group as awesome as the one I'm in now. I think Misty is the best fitness instructor I've worked with. She's tough, won't let you slack, but really nice, understanding, and helpful. The other ladies are always upbeat, encouraging. No divas, or pretty girls just wanting to be looked at (some of the ladies are very pretty, just not that type).

I'm really behind on my sewing, although am enrolled in a "zipper intensive" starting on the 25th. Should whip up a skirt this weekend and practice!

I was thinking this one:

Just have to decide which fabric from my stash to use. I also have still to finish my Leia costume (90% done), my study hall skirt which I was sewing in red, with cherries on black fabric.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Day six, week 2 of Bootcamp

Today was fun! Not as fun as Wednesday though. We did a "fireman's run" today. As a group we jogged single file, the person in the front yelled out "go" and the last person would run up to the front of the line, and in turn yell "go". It distracted me enough from the process that I ran much further than I usually do AND I didn't fall out of the group, until we all had a little walk towards the end.

Wednesday we ran up two separate flights of stairs. The little girl stairs (6 flights) and the big girl stairs (10 flights). Then we played a little volleyball with a tiny ball, then dodge ball. If you got hit by the ball, you had to do 10 squat jumps. I am so terrible at sports I ended up doing a total of 60. Happily another girl had to do 90, so I didn't feel too badly about it. We ran some sprint laps too, sort of relay things, in the end it was a ton of fun, the best day at camp so far.

I've been seriously considering next month signing up for the 5 day/week instead of 3 day/week. I think it will be easier to get up every day at the same time, rather than just for a few. Will see how finances & timing goes with my last two weeks of the current session.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Day four, week 2 of bootcamp

Well Tuesday->Thursday were pretty tough days to walk last week. Lots of groaning and stiffness, but I made it through the week!

Friday we had our tests. We had to do as many crunches as we could in 60 seconds, my count was 60. Then we had to do as many pushups (regular or modified) in 60 seconds. I managed 10. No seriously.. 10 modified push ups. I just have zero upper body strength.

Once that was done, we ran 2 laps of the park. Each lap is about 1 mile, and we were timed on each lap, and given a total. My first lap was more of a jog/walk than a run, and my time was 9 minutes and 5 seconds. Second lap I started to have increasingly uncomfortable pain in my digestive area. Towards the end I was running faster just because I thought I might poop my pants! Lovely thoughts? Total time was 18 minutes and 10 seconds. That means I actually did both laps in exactly the same time! Weird?

In 4 weeks on our last Friday, we will be tested again, and will compare our notes and see if we improved!

Today our bootcamp work out was strenuous and I enjoyed it immensely. I was sweating in a most unladylike fashion, but it felt really good.

Let see how I feel about it tomorrow.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Day one, Week one Bootcamp

At a final frustration point with my extreme love of procrastination when it comes to my personal fitness, I signed up for bootcamp.

Obviously not even close to the "real" thing, but at least the instructor will yell at me if I'm late, or if I skip a session. I chickened out and took the 3 day/week package instead of the 5 day/week. I figure if I can make it through the next four weeks, I'll consider doing it 5 days/week. Problem I have now is that I need to find another $200 in my budget to cover this new expense.

The day started off well, we meet at 5.30am at a park near my house. As I drove out the driveway, I realise I've completely forgotten to bring water. Thinking about going home to fill up a bottle, I decided it would be much quicker to simply stop by the 7-11 and buy a bottle. I was wrong. The guy at the 7-11 had decided it was a great time of the day to do his accounting. Both the registers were down, and he was counting change. 10 minutes later he finally rings me up, as I'm frantically hopping on the spot. I run out the door, and drive much faster than is really safe, and make it to the address. I should have realised that while the park has an address, the group might be anywhere in the park. I do a fast lap, and spot a group of ladies in the stage type area. Park, and run over. 5 minutes late. I hate being late, it makes me very upset, and to think these ladies don't even know me yet, and already I've made a terrible impression.

We set out on a brisk walk which reminds me how MUCH out of shape I am. Everyone is chatting, and walking so fast I can barely keep up. Trying to put on a brave face, I grin and grunt, and make it back. Normally if I was working out alone, this is where I'd go home, and lay on my couch until I recovered. Not today! We launch into a warm up. Swinging my arms to warm them up is surprisingly tiring, and slightly painful. We go onto doing some lunges, squats, jumpy things, more jumpy things, then off on a JOG. I smile, and pant my way around the jog. Another lady thankfully is as slow as me, and as I fall into a stumble/walk towards the end, back run all the ladies who already finished to encourage us to jog the rest.
More exercises, these things where you squat, then jump. Flapjacks (which incidentally just served to remind me I hadn't had breakfast), wall squats, wall jumpy things, plank (I collapsed into modified plank on my knees pretty quickly), sit ups, child's pose (my belly prevented me from finding this even slightly relaxing). Another jog, which I actually jogged most of the way on, then stretching.

I spent half the class with fogged up glasses, and the other half just plain old blind (took them off). At the end of class I was informed I'd missed orientation. I don't remember seeing anything about orientation, but apparently it was at 7am yesterday (Sunday) since I drank very late into the night Saturday, I'm pretty sure even if I'd known about it I wouldn't have shown up. Wednesday morning I have to stay late, which she weighs me, measures me, finds my fat level. I REALLY don't want to do this. I had a personal trainer in the past, who would weigh me every time I came, and berate me for "eating badly" because I wasn't losing as much weight as he thought I should. Now I tear up every time a stranger expects me to bare the parts of me I'm most ashamed of. I tried to tell my well meaning instructor that I really didn't want to... I was going to see improvements in myself that aren't related to the shame of my size. Apparently I have no choice. I can only hope to plead with her on Wednesday, but I am pretty sure she won't let me get out of it. I hope she doesn't mind watching me cry.

Overall I feel good, another of the ladies there recommended I take advil as soon as I got home, and tomorrow, and every day until the pain subsides. I've taken mine for the day, and generally I feel good. I know tomorrow morning will be tough, and Wednesday morning even more so.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Confusing cross blogging

Instead of trying to do some confusing mixture of blogs, I'm just going to blog on this one about sewing, cooking, and misc. My old blog.. has been resurrected! Go ahead and talk Stargate to me over there now :)

Only two weeks left on my 1950's Dress Making class. Last week we sewed in the collar, doing a lot of basting stitches, pinning, pulling, basting, then machine sewing while hoping it was all straight. I turned it out the right way to discover it worked! I was very pleased. Doing it on my own, now on my own dress is going to be a whole new experience. I have the fabric and notions for the second dress, but I've resisted cutting it and getting it ready until I can be sure the bodice will fit on the current one. I really really want to try doing an FBA, as I believe that's where most of my fit problems will be in the current dress. My sewing teacher helped me make some pattern alterations, but not a proper FBA. Before I attach the skirt to the bodice, I will need to add the darts for the waist. It looks like I'll have to add 4 darts in the front, and 2 or 4 darts in teh back.

Fun stuff!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Creepy Star Trek Photo thing

I tried for quite a while to get this to look right, and it turned out I looked best as a man. YIKES! It's still really creepy.

Create Your Own

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Calling all Stargate fans

I've been asked to think up some categories for the tags we'll be using in the Stargate site. I figured since some of my friends are fans, that this would be a great place to get your input!

Here is what I have so far:
* Species > e.g.: Goa'uld
* Places > e.g.: P3X-584
* Weapons > e.g.: X-699
* Other Characters > e.g.:Henry Hayes
* Transport > e.g.:Dial Home Device
* Home Entertainment > e.g. Blu-ray Fan's Choice
* Kino >e.g. Kino 101

I think the one I'm not loving the most is "species" because we'd like to include stuff like Satedan, but of course that's not a species. I was thinking.. Home System? but again not really working for Ancients or Goa'uld...

Please help!


Friday, April 3, 2009

How is it a pattern if it's unprinted?

I've been very careful up until this week, to make sure I only buy vintage patterns which are printed. My theory was.. if it's not printed.. why not just buy paper and make my own darn patterns? Just doesn't make sense to me. In my hurry to buy an adorable pattern I didn't notice that little "unprinted pattern" note.


So I take the pattern out of the envelope.. and it's quite literally blank.

Google is my friend (mantra).


Luckily I'm not the only one baffled by such things. Only problem is.. I can't see the perforations! Perhaps my pattern is so old the paper has sort of .. merged?

Oh well, it's neat to have something old, and it only cost a couple dollars.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

When Patterns go wild.

I don't know why, but lately I've been obsessed about buying patterns.
Perhaps it's the fact that it is a blueprint towards something new and fabulous? It is the potential of something awesome?

Latest procurements:

Now I need to think up some lovely fabrics, and actually get these constructed! I should probably wait until I've completed my latest Sew-LA course (50's dress).


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Starting A New Hope Leia

Not wanting to be the only one without a full costume come Halloween.. I've started on a Princess Leia ANH Senatorial Gown for this year.

Although it's not soon, I want to give myself enough time to mess it up and fix it a couple times.

Here is my pattern (yes, I made it myself.. it's a T, how hard is that?)

The oh so fantastic polyester fabric (well the original was made from polyester.. who's to argue!).

Finally the Vinyl for the belt, and some button covers that will go in the center of each metal piece on the belt. I also have some white snaps for the back of the belt, but for some reason didn't take a photo of them.

The fabric is in the wash now, to get all the shrinking out of the way. Next step is to cut it out, sew it together, unstitch it, sew it together again, unstitch it.. etc etc.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Alms for the poor

It's live! That thing that has been taking up my spare time since the Showcase, and the main reason I haven't the time to blog.


Go check it out.. it support the poor with some seriously awesome t-shirt designs.

I'm not proud of my backend code, (front end is all my mate Matt Steger) I was in such a hurry, I sort of cobbled it together. If you push it too hard it might fall over, so you smart testing people out there be gentle!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Butter! I made some.

I read an article about making butter a couple weeks ago, and this morning I finally decided to try it. Honestly I can't believe how easy it is! I went to Whole Foods Market, and bought some nice organic cream, of course it was also very expensive (I did the math, it costs more to make butter than buy it :()

I left the cream on the counter for about an hour to get rid of the chill, and poured some into my micro food processor. I filled it about half way.

I turned the processor on for a short while, then opened it up, and was surprised to see it was already pretty far along!

I then poured out the buttermilk and gave it to a very happy Qyv and Druss. I added some cold filtered water from the fridge, and processed some more.

And poured that out, and added some more cold filtered water.

Finally I poured out the last of the water (as it ran clear) and turned the butter out onto some parchment paper. Using a butter knife, I rolled and squeezed more water out of the butter.

Finally I formed it into a blog, gave it one last squeeze, and put it in a jar!

Apparently this is called "sweet cream butter". I didn't add any salt to it, but I ran to the store and bought a fresh baguette with which I am about it eat it!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Really Red.. showing a big too much in front

So the dress I ordered in a mild panic actually turned out to be really nice! One minor adjustment is going to be covering up my.. ample.. cleavage.

Thoughts about how I might achieve that? I was thinking two things. One way would be to sew something onto the inside of the neck line. Either a small triangle of red fabric (hard to match), or flesh colored fabric (also hard to match). Another way would be to add some sort of "fringe" although I think that would go against the general style of the dress.
I could also wear a cami, or leotard that is flesh colored underneath.



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hit the panic button

I decided to hit the panic button today, as last night I came close to finishing the top for the rhythm outfit.. but the skirt isn't even cut out yet!

I bought this:

If my other outfit doesn't get finished, I'll have a backup. Honestly though at this point I don't care. I'm over it! The fabric you sew these costumes from is basically impossible to use. It slides all over the place, it crinkles, it makes the machine do funky things (even my shiny new machine) so that I spend half my sewing time unstitching stuff and starting over!

The whole showcase thing is just too much. I didn't mind match comp nearly as much, because I didn't have to constantly stress about costumes.

Perhaps if I were a better seamstress, or could afford to buy proper gowns it would be OK, but right now it's just not fun.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

The picture.. not finished yet, but close

It still needs to be hemmed (all the hems) and stoned.

I have more photo's but will wait to post until it's finished.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh No Dress Rehearsal!

So it turns out I calculated all wrong, and the dress rehearsal for our performance on the 8th is actually THIS Saturday (the 28th Feb) NOT the one before the Showcase (7th March).

This means I'm one week behind on my costumes!! For the dress rehearsal I will be performing my waltz with Sam. As soon as I was told that.. the entire routine literally FLEW out of my head. I have no idea even how we do the start... Hopefully it will all come back to me in time for Saturday (or indeed the Showcase).

I am also somewhat confused as to the location of said Showcase. I was told "Renaissance Hollywood" but on the schedule for next month, it says "Renaissance LAX". These venues are not close together!

Onto my sewing of the costumes. Of course I couldn't stand following a pattern properly, that would just be FAR too simple and quick. Instead I took parts I liked about different patterns and combined them.
For my smooth costume, I needed a skirt/dress that was floor length. While I liked the skirt from this pattern: McCall pattern 5136, I hated the top. Anything sleeveless, or turtleneck looks really awful on me. SO I decided to make the skirt part of the dress an actual skirt. In hindsight I should have made the entire dress, but sized the top part so I could put a top over it. Anyway.. so now I have this skirt that starts around my hips. I thought it would be a great idea to add a yoke to the top of the panels and godets, to have to reach towards my waist, and also help it stay long enough. I measured myself for a similar skirt with a yoke, cut out that, and attached it to my skirt section. I tried it on. It falls straight to the floor if I left go. It's not a "little" bit too big, it's far too big. The fabric I used is also not as stretchy as I remembered. I am worried when I take in the yoke part, I won't be able to get it on!
Possible solutions:
- Ease in the skirt to the yoke making it smaller and hope I can get it on/off.
- Ease & insert a zipper (I haven't learned how to do invisible ones yet though).
- Add a small band at the top of the yoke, and insert either cord or elastic.

I haven't decided what to do yet, except I think easing the yoke smaller is going to be required. I don't have a zipper in the right color for the skirt, and am concerned it would be too obvious on the size. Perhaps the extra band at the top, with a ribbon tied at the side would look nice? Argh!!

Here is my idea for the top and bottom together.. please note they are NOT pink, top is baby blue, bottom is baby blue and pale green godets, and no underskirt.

Now my second major problem is the top(s) (Since I have finished a skirt for the rhythm costume.. but nothing to wear on top!).
I have sized, cutout and sewn together this: Simplicity 4401. The view with the little pretend sleeves. My problem is that is simply doesn't fit. It looks like it's about two sizes too large. I figure with some help I can sew in some darts to better fit my ample chest. I can take in the sides some to make up for the chest size. I think if I unstitch the bra section from the tummy covering section and put in rather more dramatic gathers it will allow for more chest space.
If that works out for the smooth top, I will make another to go with the rhythm skirt, and be done. If it doesn't work out.. I'm at a loss, I have no idea what top could work with the rhythm skirt, except perhaps a black one?
I was also thinking since I have a "fast and easy" pattern for a dress, I could make that (in black with silver butterlies.. kinda cute?) and add a lot of fullness to the rather plain skirt.. perhaps making a full circle skirt.

Too many choices! I will post pictures once I get myself a card reader, I just haven't gotten around to it yet!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I don't use this command often, so I easily forget it

I needed to make a duplicate database, but just the structure. I can never remember how to do it. At first I was just going to copy the original design, but then I realised I'd have to update that as it's pretty much out of date.

Instead I used my trusty friend google, and finally found the command I was after. Like.

Yep: create table db.tablename like db2.tablename;

That's how easy it is.. boy I love MySQL!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Started muslin for dress tops

I bought a bunch of slightly stretchy fabric to practice on and make muslins from. I cut out the pattern for a top that I am thinking of attaching to a much fuller skirt.
The pattern I'm trying is: Simplicity 4401.

I plan to make view D with the little flounce sleeves. I am unsure as to whether I want to actually attach it to the skirt, or make them as separate pieces in the same fabric. Will have to see how it goes with the muslin, and how much fabric I have!

I'm very proud of my first zipper, which was taught in my fitted skirts class last weekend. Upon close inspection it is rather obvious it's my first try, but I'm happy anyhow.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Showcase in 4 weeks!

While four weeks may sound like a long time, considering I only take one private lesson a week, and that's when we work on my routines, that's a very short time.

I've booked an additional lesson next Wednesday, which sadly bumps "date night" with Loui. The only routine I have so far (out of 5) is my Waltz routine. I definitely feel like I was finally being pushed properly, and not just concentrating on minutiae. There are three fast turns I am not making yet, perhaps I need to just go to the dance school when I don't have a class, and try it until I get it?

Here is what we plan to do in the routine (repeat until they tell us to stop):
A fancy set of arm waving and step to a quick turn into basic (this is just the first time).
5th position (balance steps) 5 times
Turn under on the 6th
Open break to Underarm Turn
Feather Steps to Promenade
Developpé into underarm turn
Rock step then back to frame
Promenade Developpé
Start over from balance steps

Next lesson will be with Alexis, so I am assuming we will work on a Tango routine, and perhaps a swing routine.

I haven't even started on my smooth dress.. starting to wonder if I will have time to do a muslin to fit, then the final one.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ginger Ale part 3 (Family History)

Thanks to Father dearest, I now know that apparently my love of Ginger Ale may be genetic!! How you may ask? Here is what my father told me:

Your Great Grand mother used to make Ginger Ale by the dozens of bottles.
In those days (the fifties I remember well) there were no plastic bottles so they used old 750oz beer bottles and bought the caps and stamped them on. They would make 2 dozen at a time and would have batches on the go right through summer so they never ran out. As far as calories are concerned, just count the sugar and cause its so good don't worry too much. Just ration yourself to a couple of bottles a week. The recipe sounds about right and how it was made all those years ago. The skills and the will to make all this evaporated as more fizzy drinks came on the market and it was cheaper and quicker to just buy them already done.

Just to add to the history, one of the other reasons why they made a number of bottles of ginger ale is that several would explode as the yeast did its work and expanded the mix. A ginger plant was permanently growing adjacent to the production line in another bottle and the fresh ginger used to make the next batch.

What a great story! Dad also told me he used to be able to hear the bottles exploding in the night. That would be quite an experience.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ginger Ale part 2

I took an early taste of the Ginger Ale about 8 hours before it was supposed to be ready (48 hours) and I LOVED it. Really.. it was quite amazing. Since I felt it was pretty much ready, I could stand waiting another 4 hours, then I popped it in the fridge.

I read another review of it on the food network that said it didn't have a "gingerey" flavor, and it smelled like yeast! That's not what mine is like at all. I don't know if I did something different.. used something different? Mine has that hint of spicy that I love so much in ginger, without being overpowering. It's sweet but not sugary, and I would never have guessed the carbonation came from the yeast.

My main problem with it is that I only made one bottle... Lou and I are polishing it off super fast, but it's going to be hard to wait _another_ 48 hours for the new one to ferment. Perhaps I need two bottles? One to drink and one to brew?

Finally, does anyone have any idea how I should count these calories? It's not the commercial stuff which I assume would have different calories, so I just don't know how to count it.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Homemade Ginger Ale

I saw Good Eats last week (with Alton Brown, love it!) and the show was about ginger. Alton Brown has taught me to make Ginger Ale, one of my favorite things. I don't often drink it because of all the nasties in it, unless I can get some Bundaberg Ginger Beer from BevMo.

It's really easy, I'll go over how I made it, here is Alton's Recipe.

Here are most of the things that go in it (I forgot the lemon oops!)

Sorry for the awful pictures, I had to use my phone.

I grated the ginger (1.5oz) with my lil grater (as I don't have one for ginger) but I chucked in most of the pulp that didn't go through anyhow. I added this to the saucepan and added the sugar (6oz), and water (1/2 cup).
I was surprised at how little ginger that was, I'd bought a few hands thinking it would need more.

I brought that to a boil, then turned it off and went to cut out some new patterns (more on that later).

I then used my wire mesh strainer to separate the solids, and put it into a pouring jug. I squeezed the ginger and a ton of liquid came out of it, I kept squeezing until it was just a few drops coming out.

I poured the syrup into my empty 2 liter soda bottle. Added 1/8 teaspoon of active dry yeast (actually had to eyeball it.. smallest measure I had was 1/2 tsp), 2 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice, and 7 1/2 cups water (I don't know why, the recipe says 7, but I misread it).
I put the top on then shook it vigorously, then re-read the part where it said to do it gently, and promptly stopped shaking it. I left it on the counter, and so tomorrow I'm going to crack it open and see if it's done!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Possible patterns for Showcase

I've been researching patterns that conform to some basic needs for my Showcase long dress.
Must have:
  • Floor length (or ability to make that long)
  • Cinch at or above waist
  • Covers my back and front enough to wear supportive undergarments
  • Very large full skirt so my legs can move freely
Would like:
  • Sleeves (not fond of my arms)
  • Easy enough for me to sew without hurting myself
Must not:
  • Be a sheath (doesn't look good on a large chest/hips)
  • Turtle neck, or anything with a high neck (large chest!)
What I have found so far has been mostly through research on sewing.patternreview.com. I found some reviews from a fellow ballroom dancer (although she's very svelte) and got some ideas of things I can make that will require some switching around to work for me.

First is a McCall pattern 5136

The one I'm looking at is the long version. The skirt is what I love in this dress. This is the review that inspired me to use at least the bottom/skirt idea.

Next up is the Butterick 4919. Sadly the top of this dress doesn't appeal too much, although it's better than the first one. While it covers the most important areas, it doesn't cover my arms, and I'm worried I'll be too self conscious about it.
Of course the drawing is wonderful, such a tiny waist, and legs that go up to her ears! Another review from the same person that made the other dress is here.

I kinda like the sleeves from the "Decades of Style: 1930's Button Dress" so I was thinking I could pretty easily attach these to the McCall pattern, and with a bit more work, to the Butterick.

Please ladies (and gents) give me some feedback and help me choose before I waste oodles of muslin!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Diamond Star Ball Waltz Solo

How do I get talked into these things? I know how.. my dance instructor (Sam) is extremely persuasive.. he manages to work through all my arguments and finishes it up with the sweetest puppy dog eyes (ask Loui.. it really works on me!).
At March's Diamond Ball I'll be doing 9 dances.. yes.. you read that right 9!! My feet hurt just thinking about it. 2 Tango's, 2 East Coast Swing, 2 Waltz (one of them being a solo), 2 Merengue and a Salsa. The Salsa is just cos.. and as a newcomer, because it's not in my program, and except for a special Christmas bonus lesson I've not taken any classes in it. Gosh it makes me dizzy!

So far we've worked out our Merengue routine, now I need to get a "cuban motion" thing going in front of a mirror. I just can't seem to do it. The instructors all make it look so easy, but I assure you, it's not. That's the main reason why my only real rhythm dance is Swing!! They may have made some crazy mistake over awarding me first in the Merengue at match comp.. but I'm sure they will see the error of their judging ways come the Showcase.

I need a new short dress, and long dress. I was thinking of doing a skirt/shirt combo for the short, as I'm making a gorgeous 6 gored skirt at home (while learning to make it in class with an easier fabric) that is teal. Just have to find either a simple plain (black) top, or a simple patterns for the top.

This is the pattern for the 6 gore skirt, it's the Butterick #4136:

Any ideas for the long smooth dress? Needs to be at least ankle length, and have great motion!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pretty sunset, and pretty fabrics

On Monday evening, Jessica and Loui joined me at the office to see the movie Valkyrie.
To ensure that traffic or other circumstances would not make them late, they showed up an hour early. We went up to the 11th floor, and watched the sunset. Sadly I only had my phone with me, so the picture is .. well.. you get the picture.

Below are (also phone camera) pictures of the awesome fabrics at my sewing school (sew-la).


Monday, January 12, 2009

A month has passed...

I fell off the face of the planet over the holidays, many apologies for my extended absence. I have been busy though!

Just this past weekend I finished up my "Beginning Alterations" class at Sew-LA. I learned a lot of fabulous new things. Some great hand stitches to use (blind hem stitch is my new favorite) and great ways to use the machine to finish off hems.

On our second lesson (this past Saturday) I took in two things that I needed to fix. One project was a lovely pencil skirt, that upon my first wearing.. split all the way up to my unmentionables in the back. Really wasn't work appropriate, but I made it through the day with a lot of safety pins and the help of my co-worker (Nancy). It appeared as though the stitching tore, but there was only a small tear in the fabric. I added two small pieces of black interfacing (1cm square) to fix the hole, plus add stability to the bottom of the seam. I sewed it back together using a straight stitch on the machine, with a triple reinforced end of the seam, also stitched across ways.
If it doesn't hold now I'll be shocked!
My other project was a pair of pants I bought from Old Navy. I loved the fit of the pants, but the cuffs at the bottom were a disaster. After washing them the first time, the cuffs never sat straight again. They were stitched in such a way that even with pressing them after each wash, they were never straight! I decided to unstitch the cuffs completely, measure against me wearing heels, and do a regular hem. I ended up doing a blind stitch on the machine, and they look fabulous! (and straight). I'm half done on removing the back pockets on these pants, and am starting to wonder if they were worth all this extra work!

I bought this darling pattern at Sew-LA a couple weeks ago, and this weekend made a muslin of it.
I love almost all of the decades of style patterns, and most of them I can get in my size.
After trying on this dress, I was able to take in the side seams a little and it fits great. The only part I really don't like is the neckline. In the drawing it appears to be much lower than it is when it's worn. I have a large chest, so it just ends up looking like a long shelf from my neck to my ... you know. I think I'd like to make it a small V neck instead (more flattering to my chest size) but I have absolutely no idea how to actually do that. I was thinking perhaps I'll just cut/fold the muslin til it looks how I want, then unstitch the top part to create a new pattern? I'm just guessing. This Saturday I start my "Fitted Skirts" class at Sew-LA, so perhaps I'll take the muslin in and ask my teacher, Shaerie (who is fabulous BTW, as well as Alicia).

I would post pictures, but it sort of looks like nothing as a muslin, and I used matching thread (seriously it just happened to be in the machine) so cream on cream doesn't come out well in photos. Anyhow.. projects galore!


Made by Lena