Thursday, June 10, 2010


I own one.

Fascinating right? Every morning I'd make the trek (short walk) to the exercise room at my apartment complex, and about half the time, someone would be using MY treadmill. Irritating right? I'll take just about any excuse not to exercise, so I was basically skipping half my workouts.

I bought a treadmill.

Anyone that's been in my apartment knows, there is literally no space for a treadmill. I made space. It does fold down to quite flat, and I can put it under the bed (not easy nor convenient but still possible) if I really have to (please don't come over so I have to). I can't be any place in my apartment (except my bed!) without having to look at it. Good news! Every day since I've had it, I've walked/jogged on it for an hour or more. I tried to play "Red Dead Redemption" while walking, but that proved more difficult than I had anticipated (can't aim).

How long will this last? Hopefully until I break it from overuse :D


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Forgetting my tar gzip for no reason

I just can't seem to retain the usual tar gzip commands I use.. SO here is my blog entry that is also a cheat sheet for commands I use often, but still can't seem to remember.

Tar Gzip Create: tar -czvf filename.tar.gz folder/
Tar Gzip Expand: tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz

Grant for Mysql;
GRANT <permissions ALL, SELECT> on DB.Table(*) to user@<ip or like '10.%'> identified by 'pwd';

Copy, preserving permissions, verbosely, recursively, forcing:
cp -pvfr files where

If I think of more (as I google them because I've forgotten them again) I'll edit my own post.. since this post is all for me anyhow :D

Deleting a block in VI:

First line: ma
Last line: :'a,.d


Thursday, April 1, 2010

UFO's and other Sewing projects

It's been SO long since I've spent some decent time sewing, so I've decided to dedicate tomorrow, and perhaps even Saturday and Sunday to getting some UFO's out of the way, as well as playing with some awesome new patterns and fabric I've acquired recently.

I ended buying a ton more fabric recently when it was on sale from for $1/yard. Now I'm going to sit down and make at least one skirt with the 20 or so yards of different fabric I bought. I know.. that's a lot of fabric, so I'm self banned from buying new clothes until I make (and finish) at least two pieces.

I was thinking of making a pencil skirt from a pattern I recently bought. Last night I sat down to cut out the pattern and realised I'd bought a pattern one size too small. :( I could scale it, but I think instead I'm going to use the sloper I made in pattern making class a while back. That's what it's for after all!!

Today I just need to make sure I gather together all the notions, so tomorrow.. I'll be ready finally.

I miss boot camp terribly, but I don't think I'll be able to go back at all. The cost is just too prohibitive.

I've had a tough time getting up early ever since the time changed to daylight savings. This morning I had Lou literally PUSH me out of bed when he got up to leave for work, and I managed to get my jog in before he had left. Now if only he was there 5 days a week to give me a shove.


Monday, February 8, 2010

svn lock frustrations

Again with the technical geeky posts I know it's been a long time.

Every week or so, someone from my team decides to run an SVN update on staging using root. I don't know why, I don't care. Short of actually just deleting the folder, and checking out a fresh copy, here is what I do to fix it all:

The error:
svn: Can't open file 'PATH/TO/YOUR/FILES/.svn/lock': Permission denied

The solution:
sudo find . -exec chown apache:development {} \;
sudo find . -exec chmod 2770 {} \;
svn cleanup

Usually I'll login as root to do the first three steps, then go back to my user to run the cleanup and updates.

LOL to people who don't like this solution, if it doesn't work for you? keep looking. Posting comments complaining isn't going to help.


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