Monday, May 9, 2016

Git. Checking out a remote branch

Seems fairly simple!

git checkout -t origin/*branchname*

This stumped me this morning, since our switch to github, and our change to branching only off development instead of master.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Julia Child's French Onion Soup

After much drooling at photos of French Onion Soup, I decided to give it a try myself.  I stuck fairly closely to Julia Child's recipe, only really changing the fact I didn't add herbs, as I wanted it to taste like onions rather than those herbs.

In the end it turned out very good! I have decided if I make it in the future, I will do a LOT more onions, as doing just 4 onions turned into two bowls of soup, and if you're going to spend so much time cooking, then you might as well have some leftovers!

On top I put two slices from a baguette, and grated parmesan cheese.

French Onion Soup
French Onion Soup ready to be devoured.
The recipe briefly:
- cut up 4 onions (I used my handy dandy Kyocera vegetable slicer for this, makes nice even slices)
- caramelize for 45mins to an hour (took me about an hour and a half, as I went really really slowly!)
- add beef broth and simmer for an hour
- put in over proof bowls, add bread slices to top, add grated cheese and broil until melted and brown
- eat.

Made by Lena