Monday, November 30, 2009

Back to bootcamp!

I just realised that this has turned into my boot camp blog. I really didn't mean for that to happen, but aside from work, it's the thing I do the most.

Dancing has really taken a back seat lately. I had a bad Match Competition some months ago, and my confidence took a big hit. I also don't like to dance with so many strangers. In group class you can tell they don't want to have to dance with me. OK that sounded sad and full of self pity. It's not really like that, but I just haven't felt good about dancing except with my instructors lately.
I did well in my freestyle exams recently, but that was dancing with my instructor (Joel). He makes it seem like I'm a fabulous dancer. It really is all about your partner in Ballroom.

This boot camp is only 3 weeks long, so I have decided to push it, and am doing 5 days /week. This morning we met two new ladies who've joined our group, both young and fit. The only other larger lady has not returned for this camp. At first I was a little upset about that, but about half way through our workout we were sent on a jog around the park, and I ran hard and fast, and kept up with the fastest runners for the first time! Of course I was ready to collapse at the end of that, and spent the rest of the workout trying to catch my breath. I think it was worth it though.

Our trainer Misty ordered me to obtain a new sports bra for this camp. My old one was very good, but it was old. The RVM was a 4 when I got it, but I'm pretty sure it's a 1 or 0 now! Unfortunately it didn't arrive in time for today's camp, but I've asked Loui to check the mail today and see if it arrives for tomorrow's camp.

On Friday I took delivery of a photo scanner. One specifically for scanning in postcard type prints. I have a really big box of photos from when I lived in Germany, up until I got my first digital camera. I scanned in a few and posted them on Flickr. I don't really like the scans, they all seem washed out, and the color "correction" on some was really terrible. Nice idea.. bad implementation. Luckily I got it from for almost nothing, so I'm going to scan them all anyway, just in case! Better a bad digital copy than none at all.
This is the scanner I bought: Hammacher Schlemmer Portable Digital Photo Converter

I had hoped to do some sewing over the 4 day break, but I didn't manage to lift a finger. I cleaned a lot, so my apartment is sparkling now, making it not so bad I didn't sew.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Completed second bootcamp

Friday was the last boot camp of that session. Early Saturday morning we had our body composition analysis. I'm heading in the right direction, I just wish it was faster!! I've decided to bite the bullet and do a full 5 days/week next session. It starts Monday 30th November, and runs for 3 weeks.
This Thursday they are doing a special free session at 6am for those of us who are going to EAT on Thanksgiving!

Looking forward to 4 days off in a row. My friend Deb is coming to spend Thanksgiving with me. Looking forward to some drinks and video games!

Friday I plan on doing some of those sewing projects that I've been ignoring for the past couple months. Now I'm all done with my zipper intensive course, I should be good to go with invisible zippers! I have 3 skirts "almost" finished, because I couldn't handle the invisible zippers, so I just never got them done.

Decided to use a silk/cotton blend I've been loving to make a sweet new skirt.

#4006 1940s Arches Skirt

Saturday and Sunday are looking like lazy days, before I hit boot camp again on Monday!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Visiting the mountains

On the weekend I went up and stayed with a friend in the mountains. I knew it was going to get chilly, but it still took your breath away. The contrast between the mountain (Tecuya Ridge area) and the San Fernando Valley was amazing. I couldn't believe I was so close to home, but in such a different environment. A couple days earlier there had been a light dusting of snow, which was still sticking to the ground near the top of the mountain.

It was delightful, and I felt like I'd been gone for a whole week. Had some fun checking out the sights, playing with the dogs, looking at the work my friend had put into his water supply. Refreshing! Can't wait to go back up there, especially after some proper snow has fallen, and go for a cross country ski. Need to figure out a place that will rent me skis, as all I have are downhill ones, not much use without a chair lift!
I just had an idea about a rope tow. Letting it go.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 2, Week 3, Camp 2 - Picked last

I don't remember ever being picked last before. I wish I didn't know how that felt! It's kinda awful if you think about it.

Don't want to dwell, just have to work harder. I stopped by Trader Joe's Monday night, and picked up a couple bags of broccoli & cauliflower (fresh, in bags you can microwave) and have been trying to eat a ton more vegetables. Instead of mixing a yolk into my eggs and veggies for breakfast, I'm now just sticking to egg whites.

Perhaps I should blog here more often about food. No. Nevermind. I know I eat well most of the time, I just eat too much!

We did an interesting workout today, but I don't feel like it was very challenging. Divided into two teams, we had a single team member run to where there was a pack of cards, these cards showed an exercise, and a number of reps. The winning team was chosen based on the number of cards completed. We lost. Our "punishment" was that the other team got to choose 3 minutes worth of exercise for us. Honestly I was glad I got those extra 3 minutes... why am I there if not to exercise?!
After the second minute passed, most of the other team had joined in, realising what they were missing.

Loui made some noises about wanting to go running. I hope he does. I wish he'd run with me (if he can keep up *snicker*). Sadly the only time I have to exercise is before work, and since he usually goes to bed 4-5 hours after I do, I doubt that will ever happen.

Bought this on -> Perfect Pullup.

Thanks to woot it's only $15. Plan to mount it on the doorway to the bathroom. Wish I could fit a treadmill or elliptical machine someplace, but it would take up WAY too much room in my tiny apartment. One day maybe.


ps. Thanks for the encouragement John :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 1, week 3, camp 2

I meant to blog on Friday, because it was a fairly momentous day for me at boot camp. First time I cried a little. Not overtly, more a frustrated, embarrassed whimper. There was a lot of self pity rolled up in there. We did a tough worked, was feeling good, then Misty sent us on a fireman's run around the park. About half way around I came unstuck. All the slower campers had been sent on a different task, but Misty had decided I could finally handle running with the really fit ladies.

They run FAST. So fast that around the half way mark, I couldn't keep jogging and fell back. Here is when the major self pity took over. Poor little me. As I descended into my wallow, I see Misty jogging across the park, and giving instructions to the ladies who were already pretty far away from me. She sent them back to get me. This made me even MORE embarrassed. Everyone was very encouraging, and they slowed down, but it's really hard to breathe correctly while jogging, when you're doing your best not to blubber!

Today was not like that. Was a tough workout, but I managed to keep up the whole time. Mostly it's that shame of almost crying in front of everyone that kept me going faster.

I've gained 2 pounds over my starting weight. Kinda lost. Need to find some new direction.


Monday, November 2, 2009

First day, second week, second camp

Last Friday were our evaluations. This time it was a little different. We were tested on how long we could hold full plank (45 seconds BOO), how many squat jumps we could do in 60 seconds (35.. one of the best!), and how many laps we could do on a sprint course (10.. average in our group).

Hopefully the last day of camp I can best ALL of my scores.

To be honest I didn't feel properly challenged last week. While it was hard (especially Friday) I didn't get any lingering muscle soreness. I should be happy right? Instead I just feel like I didn't try hard enough.

Today was different. I am sore already.. which means tomorrow i'll be 10x as sore as now. To warm up, we ran the little stairs (I counted this time, 10 steps, 4 flights) and then the big stairs (15 steps, 7 flights). That was JUST the warm up, although at the end I was really struggling.
We moved onto 12 chest presses, 12 push ups, Count to 12 while holding full plank, 12 punches with weights, one jogging lap around the park. Then we did it again, but with two laps around the park, then we did it again. That last time I barely made the first lap and our trainer called time.

We assembled at the back wall of the small area we work out in, and proceeded to "run against the wall", sort of like jogging on the spot, but you're pushing against the wall. It's challenging. Then we relaxed for 2 minutes in a "wall sit"... it's really not very relaxing.

Thinking this was it, we were going to start our cool down since it was already 6.15, I felt a rush of relief. Only to be told we were to grab our weights, and do the little AND big stairs again.

The last flight up on the big stairs I practically crawled. My chest was burning, my legs were wobbling, the pain to come was top of my mind.

It was fantastic. Looking forward to more this week!


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